- Present: A, D, V, S, J, Gwen
- Digitally recorded and uploaded to Amnesty share dropbox
- Started with V going through AGM matters. HD had to stand down from the election committee because of health issues. Nominated replacement is J.
- EC spoke to canidadtes except for N
- V tabled the idea of adding external observer RL to the AGM email so that he can see any ideas/complaints/ammendment proposals from members. The board voted against the idea, agreeing that in principle should we need R’s help, we would have a transparent paper trail but there was no need to show everything for no justifiable reason, and it was also assuming that R wanted to be added to the group.
- V presented the quarterly accounts. Board members had gone through the documents ahead of the as sent by E. A said she would email V the questions she had made a list of.
- V indicated he had to leave early so the board discussed and voted on the idea of how much AGM stipends and hotel stay should be for local groups. We voted to keep it the same for now but in light of expansion, it is not tenable that we pay for everyone. The idea going forward is to have AGM’s on a rotation basis e.g. Ipoh, Sarawak, Penang, KL etc. Also, each location would nominated 5-6 members to come and others would be self-paying. A said she would ask R on how their section does it.
- A briefed the board that the SEAPRO idea was progressing and that both A and Si had provided 2 lawyer recommendations each to the London office upon request. A explained that she conveyed to MP that the board was not in favour of the SEAPRO office but was met with an answer that it was most likely to go ahead.
- A said she would email the board a draft vision statement that future board members would be required to sign.
- A updated on documents: A Fortune 500 under company put forward their HR expert and Financial officer to look at HR and Finance docs respectively and provide edits, guidance pro bono. Both had been done and sent to G. The Constitution had 11 pages worth of amendments, the membership toolkit was in process, the internal audit document both internal and external had been drafted.
- A will email the board for their recommendations on what should constitute a pioneer member to be honoured e.g. length of membership, hours volunteered, cut off age.
- V informed that he will update the board and work on ROS with a committee he formed post AGM.
- A informed the board that an update on the global assembly for them and the membership at large would come in the form of a PowerPoint
- A played two videos: a video created in Poland in which V and G feature plus a thank you video from Anwar. Both will be played at the AGM
- S updated on the state of the website. Super admin access was missing and it was unsure if we would be able to retrieve it from the past developer. The board voted to pay extra (Rm 5,000) to start that part over for clarity and security concerns and that the new developer would build the website from scratch where AIM would have ease of access and updating.
- Meeting started at 6:50pm, ended 9:30 with G handing board members the new Amnesty Malaysia t-shirt.