In this report, we reflect on the 70 years that have passed since the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and ask ourselves: “How far have we come?”
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights pronounces rights that each and every one of us possess, by the very fact that we are human. Every year since 1948, progress has been made towards every person enjoying all those rights. More and more, people are living lives free from want, fear and discrimination. And yet there are always places where humanity takes a step backwards too. Much more work remains to be done before we fully realise the Universal Declaration’s vision of a world where all are free and equal. Conflict, prejudice, unequal sharing of resources and poor governance are just some of the reasons why many of us have yet to enjoy all our rights.
In this summary of the state of the world’s human rights, we turn our attention to a handful of key issues and themes that have been prominent in 2018. We examine some of the defining moments for each region, look at key movements that have called for change, and consider in particular how the rights of women have fared during the year. We also acknowledge the many human rights defenders working around the world today, and pay tribute to those who have lost their lives or freedom in the course of their work.
Download the report here: RightsTodayFINAL27_11_18 (1)