DATE : 11TH December 2018
TIME : 7.30-11.00PM
MODE : In-person at Amnesty International Malaysia Office
MISSION: To undertake study and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression and freedom from discrimination within the context of its work promote all human rights.
ATTENDEES: 1. Anjhula 2. Executive Director S 3. K 4. C 5. N 6. Ay
1. Advertisement for vacancy of Campaigner and Activism Coordinator has been released.
2. S updated the Board with regards to the way resources were allocated for each campaign.
3. Secretariat to send the Board monthly progressive reports by the 7th of the following month including consultations conducted by the Secretariat.
4. S to send to the Board the Operational Plan for 2019 by Christmas.
5. Funds for 2019 have already been allocated based on the 2017 budget that was drawn up for a 2-year period. S to send the 2019 budget to the Board to be recalibrated for new agenda.
6. Special event with celebrity to go through further creative process.
7. Ay to work with J on ideation / planning for youth engagement strategy and also towards forming a youth assembly.
8. S suggested using the Theory of Change on question of assessing KPIs.
9. S will also forward 3 types of Impact Assessment Tools available from the International Secretariat for the Board’s consideration for measuring impact.
10. S suggested using Mango’s health check to incorporate into financial assessment.
UPDATES via Slack
11. 12.12.2018 : Anjhula emailed the Theory of Change and impact assessment tools for the Board’s consideration.
12. 17 – 18.12.2018 : Board weighed in on Secretariat’s staff bonuses.
13. 19.12.2018 : Budget for 2019 sent to the Board for consideration.
14. 19.12.2018 : C drafted a misrepresentation clause to be added to all membership sign-up forms.
Dated this 06th January 2019.
Prepared by,
Amnesty International Board of Governance
Verified by, Dr. Anjhula Mya Singh Bais
Chair, Board of Governance
Amnesty International Malaysia