Young people have always been at the forefront of change, leading movements against injustice, demanding freedom and upholding truth. They are the conscience of a society.
At Amnesty International Malaysia, young people make up more than half of our membership including volunteers and supporters. Over the last few years, we have observed an increased in participation of youth from diverse backgrounds and meaningful engagement with Amnesty
International Malaysia. They are no longer passive members but play an active role in human rights education, activism, campaigns and governance.
As part of the consultation process on the AI Malaysia’s National Youth Strategy (NYS), youth members and local group coordinators urged for concrete actions to address key issues within the movement such as the lack of communication with and about young people, the lack of human rights knowledge and understanding of Amnesty International and its opportunities in Malaysia and at the global level. Therefore, it led to the drafting of the National Youth Strategy 2020-20242 in line with the Amnesty’s Youth, Power, Action! International Youth Strategy to address the many issues within the movement.
In order to fulfil and implement key goals set in our National Youth Strategy, we need to set up a strong organisation structure for our youth members. The formation of the youth committee will help facilitate the creation and development of the Youth Network, provide
youth leadership and innovative thinking to the movement and support the implementation and monitoring of the National Youth Strategy in Malaysia.
Call for Expressions of Interest for the Amnesty International Malaysia’s Youth Committee 2020-2021 is now open. The deadline to submit an application to [email protected] is 9 August 2020. Read our Terms of Reference for the Amnesty International Malaysia’s Youth Committee below.