The Death Sentences and Executions report published yearly since 2009 by Amnesty International provides a detailed look at the use of the death penalty globally.
Amnesty International recorded almost 100 more executions around the world in 2013 compared to the year before, mainly because of Iran and Iraq. Excluding China, where the number of executions is kept secret, 778 executions were known to have been carried out globally in 2013, compared to 682 in 2012. After China, Iran performed 369 executions, and Iraq, 169 executions. This is followed by Saudi Arabia (79) and the United States (39).
China is believed to have more than the rest of the world put together. The Asia Pacific region saw a disturbing level of secrecy around executions in 2013 and Malaysia was among the countries which flaunted international standards on transparency around the death penalty by refusing to release figures or inform family members, lawyers or the general public about executions.
Despite the setbacks, 2013 also saw positive developments in Asia. In Pakistan, the government suspended its application of the death penalty, after carrying out one execution in 2012. For the second consecutive year, no death sentences were implemented in Singapore, where six people had their cases commuted following a review of the country’s mandatory death penalty laws in 2012.