PERIOD : 20.10.18 – 08.12.18
MODE : Slack
MISSION : To undertake study and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression and freedom from discrimination within the context of its work promote all human rights.
- N’s resignation 09.11.2018: Anjhula informed the Board that N has tendered resignation and S has accepted it.
- Drug policy draft 09.11.2018: Anjhula shared a document on a drug policy draft for comments and input by the Board within a week and thereafter to be sent to the International Secretariat.
- Membership 10.11.2018: K shared with the Board that AIM’s website now has an online membership form with a Code of Conduct included. Anjhula credited the previous board who worked on the draft.
- Meeting with Shamini 20.11.2018: Anjhula and D had a 10-hour meeting with S the previous week discussing issues the Board would like to focus on. Going forward, it will likely revolve around: (i) LGBTQ rights, (ii) indigenous rights, (iii) death penalty and post-abolishment action plan, (iv) ratification of various treaties.
- Law and Policy Network The Board has been invited by the IS to represent the Malaysian Section on the Law and Policy Focal Points Network which facilitates communications on Amnesty International’s policy development process and ensures active engagement in law and policy discussions.
- Report on AI Philippines AGM and Youth Assembly 21.11.2018: Ay shared their experience from the event above which was held in the Philippines on 19th-21st Oct 2018. They also added value to their 10page report by stating takeaways and suggestions that AIM could adopt locally.
- Meeting with MP and NB 22.11.2018: Anjhula, D and S had a lunch meeting with MP (senior leadership team of the IS in London) and NB (Head of SEAPRO) to discuss future strategy of Amnesty
- Suhakam Carnival The Board is invited to attend the Suhakam Human Rights Carnival happening on 8.12.2018. Ay volunteered to attend.
- The Forest is our Heartbeat The Board is invited to Amnesty’s launch of “The Forest is our Heartbeat: The Struggle to Defend Indigenous Land in Malaysia” on 29.11.2018. Ay volunteered to attend along with the chair, Anjhula.
- Replacement leave will not be encashed.
- Secretariat’s Salary 28.10.2018: Anjhula and D working on getting salaries in order factoring in special surplus work and interim roles.
- Drafting a clear policy on replacement leave. Currently no written policy on how to use replacement leave but in practice within the Secretariat, replacement leave does not function as annual leave and staff is expected to use them quickly after it is owed to them. The Secretariat does not reimburse replacement leave days in cash.
In-Tune (advising AIM on HR matters) : Some organisations set their policy to replace within one month of incurring leave. Some treat it like annual leave, being able to carry forward the following year if unutilised and expires mid-year. In the event an employee resigns, the replacement leave is encashed and paid with the last salary.
- Demographics 09.11.2018: Board members to send personal demographic data to Anjhula.
- MOU 20.11.2018: C finalised amendments to MOU and Anjhula has sent out to the Board to be signed and returned.
- Board work flow 29.11.2018: Anjhula emailed Board work flow for the Board to keep track of contributions and individual KPIs that will be reported at the AGM. Individual Board member’s mandates were also listed.
- Guide and checklist for governance 10.11.2018: N sent out M & E document to be revised and adopted by the Board.
- Digital security manuals and protocols 20.11.2018: D is working on this and will be shared with the International Secretariat once done.
- Chef Wan script 22.11.2018: Anjhula drafted a script in furtherance of the idea to bring in a celebrity guest to do a special with AIM. The Board to give feedback.
- Crediting previous board 10.11.2018: K suggested that AIM’s newsletter to its members could include an appreciation to the previous BOG for efforts that are bearing fruit after their term.
- Building relationships 01.11.2018: Ay shared a video by R.AGE on the abolishment of the death penalty which quoted Amnesty’s 2017 report but had not reached out to AIM for input. Anjhula has reached out to them and will have them added to our media list and invite them for future events to build relationships.
- Doodle K suggested using Doodle to fix future meetings at everyone’s convenience.
Dated this 08.12.2018.
Prepared by,
Kalai Nilaa
Amnesty International Board of Governance
Verified by,
Dr. Anjhula Mya Singh Bais
Chair, Board of Governance
Amnesty International Malaysia