Free environmental lawyer Dang Dinh Bach

Environmental lawyer Dang Dinh Bach dedicates his life to protecting people in Viet Nam from pollution and the climate crisis. On 24 June 2021, he was arrested for alleged tax evasion, a tactic used by the authorities to silence environmental activists. He was sentenced to five years in prison. Sign the petition and call on Viet Nam to free Bach immediately.

What’s the problem?

Bach cares deeply about the health and well-being of people in Viet Nam. His organization, the Law and Policy of Sustainable Development Research Center (LPSD), does important work to support communities threatened by powerful economic and political interests. LPSD helps them understand their rights and empowers them to protect their livelihoods.

On 24 June 2021, Bach was arrested. His newborn son was just two weeks old. Bach was sent to prison and LPSD was forced to close.

Bach was charged with “tax evasion” and later sentenced to five years in prison following a trial that that UN experts considered unfair. The court refused to hear his defence, and the prosecutor failed to disclose evidence.

Bach should be continuing his work supporting the communities he cares so deeply about. Instead, he is imprisoned and forced to endure poor prison conditions. His health has deteriorated. He has been harassed by prison officers.

He has not seen his young son since his arrest.

What can you do to help?

Sign the petition and demand Bach’s immediate and unconditional release from prison.

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