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27 results

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  • Free environmental lawyer Dang Dinh Bach

    Environmental lawyer Dang Dinh Bach dedicates his life to protecting people in Viet Nam from pollution and the climate crisis. On 24 June 2021, he was arrested for alleged tax evasion, a tactic used by the authorities to silence environmental activists. He was sentenced to five years in prison. Sign the petition and call on…

  • Create a world where no one is left behind

    Kyung Seok Park refuses to wait any longer for the rights of people with disabilities to be fully recognized in South Korea. Despite facing violence and harassment, he continues to fight so people with disabilities can live freely and fully in South Korea. Help him take action now. What’s the problem? Kyung Seok never really…

  • Help release Neth now

    Neth, a mother of two young children , was jailed for criticizing Angola’s president on TikTok. She was summarily tried, convicted, and sentenced to six months in prison – later increased to two years. Sign the petition and call on the authorities for her immediate and unconditional release. What’s the problem? At home, 32-year-old Ana…

  • Demand freedom for Manahel

    Manahel al-Otaibi is serving an 11-year prison sentence in Saudi Arabia. A brave defender of women’s rights, a “terrorism” court gave her an incredibly harsh punishment merely for promoting women’s rights and expressing herself on social media. Sign the petition and demand the Saudi Arabian authorities free her immediately. What’s the problem? Manahel finds strength…

  • Joint Statement: Drop investigations into seven pro-Palestine protesters detained near the US Embassy

    1 October 2024 We, the undersigned organisations and individuals, stand in firm solidarity with the seven pro-Palestine protesters who were detained near the US Embassy in Kuala Lumpur this morning. We are deeply concerned by the actions of the authorities in detaining peaceful demonstrators, which exacerbate existing deep-seated concerns about the already worsening state of…

  • Arrest of Bajau Laut Human Rights Defender under the Sedition Act is a Shameful Attempt at Suppressing Peaceful Dissent 

    Media Quote 27 June 2024  Amnesty International Malaysia strongly condemns the arrest of Borneo Komrad founder and human rights defender, Mukmin Nantang, under Section 4(1) of the Sedition Act. Mukmin, who exposed the eviction of the stateless, Indigenous Bajau Laut community that took place in Semporna, Sabah earlier this month, was called for investigations at the…

  • Stop crackdown on Bajau Laut people 

    Press Release22 June 2024  Amnesty International Malaysia condemns the detention of eight Bajau Laut stateless, Indigenous students, at least three of whom are children. The students were arrested following a peaceful protest outside the Sabah Chief Minister’s office on 14 June and were released today after seven days in detention.  “The eight Bajau Laut students…


    Amnesty International sounds alarm on a watershed moment for international law amid flagrant rule-breaking by governments and corporate actors Launched today, Amnesty International’s annual ‘The State of the World’s Human Rights’ report documents human rights concerns during 2023 in 155 countries. The report provides a comprehensive overview, on a macro-level, of the state of human rights…

  • Keadaan Hak Asasi Manusia di Malaysia 2023/24

    Malaysia Kerajaan gagal memenuhi komitmen untuk memperbaharui undang-undang yang menyekat hak kebebasan bersuara dan terus mengguna pakai undang-undang yang menindas untuk menyenyapkan suara kritis dan menghalang protes secara aman. Layanan keras terhadap pelarian dan migran masih berterusan, termasuk penahanan tanpa had tempoh tertentu dan penghantaran pulang secara paksa yang melanggar prinsip non-refoulement. Kematian dalam tahanan…