Malaysia: Oral statement Item 6: Consideration of UPR reports: HRC 56th session
Amnesty International’s Oral Statement on the consideration of Malaysia’s UPR report at the UN Human Rights Council’s 56th Session from 18 June – 12 July.
Amnesty International’s Oral Statement on the consideration of Malaysia’s UPR report at the UN Human Rights Council’s 56th Session from 18 June – 12 July.
Amnesty International sounds alarm on a watershed moment for international law amid flagrant rule-breaking by governments and corporate actors Launched today, Amnesty International’s annual ‘The State of the World’s Human Rights’ report documents human rights concerns during 2023 in 155 countries. The report provides a comprehensive overview, on a macro-level, of the state of human rights…
Malaysia Kerajaan gagal memenuhi komitmen untuk memperbaharui undang-undang yang menyekat hak kebebasan bersuara dan terus mengguna pakai undang-undang yang menindas untuk menyenyapkan suara kritis dan menghalang protes secara aman. Layanan keras terhadap pelarian dan migran masih berterusan, termasuk penahanan tanpa had tempoh tertentu dan penghantaran pulang secara paksa yang melanggar prinsip non-refoulement. Kematian dalam tahanan…
This report documents human rights concerns during 2023 in 155 countries, connecting issues at global and regional levels and looking forward to the implications for the future. States and armed groups are breaking and bending the rules of war and racism lies at the heart of some armed conflicts and the responses to them. Economic…
Malaysia: Strides and Setbacks Submission to the 45th Session of the UPR Working Group, January-February 2024 This submission was prepared for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Malaysia in January-February 2024. In it, Amnesty International evaluates the implementation of its recommendations made to Malaysia in the previous UPR, including in relation to the death penalty,…
MALAYSIA: KEMAJUAN DAN KEMUNDURANPENYERTAAN PADA SESI KE-45 KUMPULAN KERJA UPRJANUARI – FEBRUARI 2024 Laporan ringkas ini disediakan untuk Penilaian Berkala Sejagat (UPR) Malaysia pada Januari-Februari 2024. Di dalamnya, Amnesty International menilai pelaksanaan syor yang dibuat kepada Malaysia dalam UPR sebelum ini, termasuk berkaitan dengan hukuman mati, hak untuk kebebasan bersuara dan berhimpun, dan hak pekerja…